How to Do Real Personal Development

Word count:2521

hey Leo here fractionalized org and you might be asking yourself who is this guy and why should I even listen to him to help me figure out what I should be doing in my life well I'm sitting here in front of my little library of books that I've been reading over the last five years and that I still continue to read this is not actually all them I couldn't stack them high enough and then of course that's not counting all the video products and seminars that I've attended and audio products that I listen to but the point being is that it's really not to show off and to show you how much I've read it's about creating a sense of certainty that what I have to say can have value too right because I have processed a lot of information and this was not done to impress anybody else this was simply done because I need to figure this out for myself and I didn't find any resources out there that were telling me how this was gonna how this was gonna play out nobody out there was telling me what I needed to do to get engaged with life no one was out there telling me what I needed to do to become rich and successful no one was out there telling me to do what to do to become healthy so I need to go out there and figure it out and I didn't have those resources and I was coming from an environment where my family and my friends were doing this stuff so my family wasn't healthy in fact they were the opposite my friends weren't successful or healthy either so I couldn't learn any information from them so I had to figure it all out of myself and you know right now we live in an amazing time we live in a time where you can go out literally and Google something or type something into YouTube and you're going to get a free video that tells you how to do this how to do that how to learn a new skill how to develop yourself in all these different ways and that's amazing like three information 20 years ago you would have just killed for this but with all that that's out there I find that it's a little bit low level it's how to write you can go out there and learn how to do a specific thing the problem is that you're not going to follow up with it you're not going to actually do it because the underlying all that is the engagement that you need to have the motivation the drive right and also the big picture some of higher-level strategies that you need because sometimes what happens in life is that you're fighting really hard to win the battle and you win the battle but you end up losing the war and that's because you've been a bad strategist you've been doing something that wasn't ultimately leading you towards what was going to make you happy what was going to make you fulfilled and so part of the reason that I have these books here is because when you read through one book you can get some nice how-to information when you read a couple hundred books which you get is you get wisdom you get strategy you start to see that some things are more important than others and the core of wisdom is knowing how to put value on things it's knowing what to pursue and what not to pursue and why and where it will work in one situation or where where it won't work in another so what I want to tell you is that I'm committed to giving you wisdom I don't want to give you a how-to although we will be talking about specific techniques and tactics that you can be using and one two three kind of checklists that you can go through and I should go out there and implement but I want to make you an independent thinker I want to set you up for success in the long term I don't want you to just succeed next month I don't want you to succeed next year I want you to have a successful life Antonia successful life means living to your full potential so this this is my study of how to live up to a full potential how does someone anyone live up to their full potential no matter where they are whether they start off poor or whether they're already rich and on status but I'm still unsatisfied with what they're doing this information here gives us some clues and of course it's important that it's not just books because it's very easy to sit down and read a book and to start doing empty theorizing for me the real trick and challenge of self development and success is sure you read about it but then you actually go out there and you try it and the value for me has been and going out there and trying these various different things and seeing what actually works and why does it work and what does it work and in which situations certain things work in which situations do they not work and who do they work for what types of people do they work for right and so a lot of what I'm talking about I try not to talk about anything in theory at all I never or I really hate to just talk and not walk my talk so anything that I talk about whether it's fitness or career advice or how to get your life in shape or money success starting a business any of that kind of stuff I try to always talk about it from personal experience so these books give me some rounded foundation and some theory they give me a lot of important conceptual knowledge but most of it has to be tested because there's a lot of in these books honestly and a lot of it is not as effective as it should be and for me part of the challenge or the last five years as I was struggling with self-help is figuring out which aspects of self-help actually work because it took me a couple years of reading books just to start to see results from self-help the first few years I really wasn't seeing anything I was getting a lot of interesting information but it wasn't making a change in my life it wasn't making me more engaged it wasn't giving me more motivation it wasn't making me more successful or giving more money I had to go out there and really study figure out you know what are the things that that trigger the results because that's what I'm about I don't like just positive thinking and wishy-washy language and abstract theorizing I want to bring it down earth I want to get results that are real for me right whether that means more money better health more happiness better outlook on life all those things ultimately have to happen I have to feel them if I don't feel them I don't care about them so that's where this comes in the other thing is that I have quite a bit of experience testing this stuff out I've really tried to create a rounded well-rounded life for myself whether it's getting my career into shape getting myself into shape I don't know if you know this but throughout most of my life I used to be fat I was overweight I was 65 pounds heavier than I was right now and I really struggled to lose weight for a very long time until I started applying some of the stuff that I learned and got disciplined about it and then drop 65 pounds at five months and I've been able to keep that off for eight years now so sustainable change right and the question of course is how do you do stuff like that how do you make positive changes in your life that actually stick that are sustainable and that make you happy so right now I'm not sitting here sucking on my thumb hoping to go eat some junk food in fact I eat super clean right now and I love it I feel great about it and that's not how I was before so part of the reason I tell you this is not to brag so much as to show you that it's possible because the first step is believing that it can be done the biggest problem I had when I was starting all this stuff is I didn't know could it be done I had some ideal wishes that it worked but I was always skeptical and that skepticism was justified in some cases because not all this stuff works some of it is some of it does work but the stuff that does work and when you figure that out and you get those nuggets oh boy it's really really worth it so what I want to help you do here is to cut the learning curve down right so you're not spending all this time reading through all these books because honestly who has time to do that not everyone I've made a career this is my life is doing this stuff so now I can make it work but most of you don't have that time and frankly don't want that so instead I can cut that learning curve for you and I promise nothing easy for you're still gonna have to work for it but I can certainly promise to eliminate some of the the dead ends that you would be going down right whether it's your health which I've really optimized my health to the point where I eat clean all the time now 100% clean never even stray one time like no cheat days none of that stuff and I feel great about it how did I do that what kind of inner mindsets that I had to to develop in myself to make that happen I can share stuff like that with you or how do you create a business did you know that I created a an internet business that earned me over a million dollars in cash profit over the span of about four years how do you do that and I started that business with two thousand dollars of investment of cash how do you do something like that or how do you become less judgmental of others and less judgmental and critical of yourself how do you get more excited about what you're doing in your life how do you create a career that you really love how do you become successful in relationships I used to be horrible with relationships in fact I didn't even know how to talk to women huge problem for me I was coming from a from a background was very uncomfortable in and secure with myself because I was overweight through most of my life that it really hurt me with dating relationships in the opposite sex to the point where I was so shy that I didn't even know how to speak with a girl and then I took it upon myself to really correct all of that through a lot of study and a lot of practice going out there and actually changing things and I got involved with the with the pickup scene for a few years and got a lot a lot of insight and results from that so whatever part of your life you want to get handled you know I tried to design my own life and I think that there are these basic elements that are core to everybody everybody wants to have good relationships to be happy everybody needs to have a decent career to be happy everybody needs to to feel good in their own body and to be relatively healthy and exercising and eating quality foods to be happy everybody needs to have certain mindsets that make them think in a positive way so that you're not in fear all the time and you're not self sabotaging and you're not doubtful and anxious all the time without these basic pillars you can't really have a happy life and so in trying to create a happy life for myself I basically had to go in and retool some of these pillars some of them I was basically at zero at relationships zero literally the worst thing you can possibly be that's where I started career I was a little bit better at because throughout my youth I've always kind of put attention on that and I figured that was important so I was a little bit better there but then again I started my business I had no business experience at all so basically started that from scratch and figured it all out somehow and so now I've brought that pillar up and then of course you know health I was super unhealthy basically again it's starting at a zero I grew up in a family where health was not valued at all and really still isn't and so I had to kind of bring myself out of the weeds there so getting these these pillars into place whatever it is that you need to get into place and really getting a nice balance across the board of all those has been a challenge and these books have helped me do it the seminars that i've watched i've helped me do it the training that I've gotten has helped me do it the people that I've interviewed and talked to have they'll help me do it the friends that I know and some of the world leading experts that I've talked to have helped me do it and the clients that I worked with have shared some valuable insights with me for what works and what doesn't work for other people so I encourage you to really take advantage of this most information I offer is free you can find it just by the videos on the site and the articles go ahead and look at those take advantage of this because this is something that really cut your learning curve down and let you get your life taken care of and any part of your life that's not doing as well as you want it to we can make it better and I personally have proved it to myself this is possible in any area of your life and from everything that I've seen from all the experts to all my friends to all the clients that I've worked with it's possible the question is are you doing it correctly let me show you how